Courtney is an Customer Service Representative at Netria.
1. What’s your favorite thing about Netria?
The family atmosphere
2. What kind of music do you listen to?
Almost anything! I listen to a lot of true crime podcasts too – stay sexy don’t get murdered
3. Where did you grow up?
Right here in Exeter NH
4. How would people describe you?
Probably funny, and smart, hopefully kind.
5. If you could go on vacation anywhere, where would you go?
So many places! But the top places right now are Morocco, Thailand, Croatia, India, and Scotland
6. What’s your favorite sports team?
Los Angeles Dodgers and also the New England Patriots
8. If you could hang out with someone (living or deceased) for the day, who would you pick?
Two people: JFK and Kate Hepburn
9. If you didn’t work at Netria what would you do?
Be a baker / chef
To contact Courtney, send her an email at courtney@netriacorp.com To contact Netria, give us a call at (603) 772-7122.